You can find all of our current job openings on our Employment Page.
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To receive alerts from the Wythe County Citizen Alert System, please visit their website located at https://member.everbridge.net/index/1332612387832195#/signup.
If your problem requires Police, Fire or Rescue, call 911.
Otherwise, dial 276-223-3333 or 276-223-3300 and you will be connected to an automated attendant that will direct you to the appropriate department. You will be given the following options:
- For Water and sewer problems, press 1
- To report a signal light problem, press 2
- To report a street blockage such as a downed tree, press 3
- If you are calling about an animal control problem, press 4
- If you are calling regarding a parking ticket or police report, or to speak to a Duty Sergeant, press 5
Please visit our Business Information section for more details.